Aberdeen students come from a diverse background from farming communities, where students travel some distance to school, in a town community, where the loss of the local meat works in 1999 has severely limited employment and the economy in general.
The school provides a stimulating learning environment which encourages all children to grasp opportunities in a variety of class and school programs. The school is developing a reputation for its programs in creative and performing arts and in debating, whilst maintaining excellent literacy and numeracy programs. A strong commitment to student welfare and boys' education programs can be clearly seen in the school.
School Hours
School hours commence at 8.55am and conclude 2.55pm. A teacher is on duty from 8.30am to supervise students as they arrive at school. No supervision is provided prior to 8.30am. Any students who arrive before 8.30am must sit in the undercover area until the teacher commences duty at 8.30am.
Recess is taken from 10.30am until 11.05am.
Lunch is taken from 1.05pm until 1.40pm.